GOONGUE. Training in contemporary dance in Senegal. Funded by AECID About Program.

The Alicia Soto-Hojarasca Company, led by Alicia Soto, in collaboration with Djarama presents GOONGUE: an artistic training in contemporary dance aimed at dancers, actors, acrobats. This training will be held at Djarama Dialaw from 5-7 and 10-14 July.

The objective of this training is to make the most of the creative abilities of the participants and deepen the knowledge and awareness of the body in movement with technical training in contemporary dance.

Training content:

– Fundamentals and body positioning: essential to be on stage.

– Work on the quality of the movements to have greater ease during a performance.

– Strengthening of physical capacity and body control.


The training provides the opportunity to develop creative skills through improvisation and thus allows discovering natural and organic movements. It also allows you to work on choreographic composition (creation of scores) and on the use of stage tools: space-time, light-space space.


The delivery of diplomas will take place on July 13 in Djarama Dialaw. It will count with the presence of Paloma Portela Gutiérrez, cultural adviser of the Embassy of Spain in Senegal.


Funded by AECID About Program, with the collaboration of the Embassy of the Embassy of Spain in Senegal, Dakar Culture and Spanish Cooperation.

With the collaboration of Djarama.
