‘La Petite Voiture 2.0’ en Almada (Portugal). Dentro de Sementes-Mostra Internacional de Artes para o pequeno público.

Alicia Soto presenta su nuevo espectáculo en Almada (Portugal) dentro de la programación del Sementes-Mostra Internacional de Artes para o pequeno público. Sera en la plaza Largo Gabriel Pedro a las 22h. La Petite Voiture 2.0 es una performance de tecnología y danza con itinerancia para calle que se podrá ver el 9 de octubre en el Centro de Historias.

the company Alicia Soto-Hojarasca presents her new production in which she addresses issues such as the role of money in our lives, the objectification of women, social ties or the constant repetition of certain attitudes acquired in an infinite cycle.



La Petite Voiture 2.0 is a new production of the successful and revolutionary piece of the company from 2011 La Petite Voiture. The Comtesse. As it happened then, the show has been created thanks to an Artistic Residency in Serrada (Valladolid) for which the collaboration of the town council has been essential. The new version, directed and choreographed by Alicia Soto, is a complete formal and conceptual revision of the original. The premiere in Zaragoza of La Petite Voiture 2.0 will take place on October 9 as part of the Fiestas del Pilar program.


Para la realización de esta función en Almada se ha contado con el apoyo de la Embajada de España en Portugal.

Link to the event



