Training workshop in contemporary dance technique and choreographic creation at the Cervantes Institute of Casablanca (Morocco)

The workshop will take place within the IX edition of the Casablanca Choreographic Meetings (Morocco). The sessions will take place from October 16 to 20 at the Cervantes Institute in Casablanca. And on the 21st the exhibition will take place Human landscapes open to the public.


The workshop is aimed at professional or semi-professional dancers and will be taught by Alice Soto, Spanish pedagogue, choreographer and stage director, within the framework of the IX edition of the Casablanca Choreographic Meetings organized by the Col'Jam company.

The objective of this workshop is to offer performers training in contemporary dance technique that helps them develop their creative capacity. A high-level workshop is proposed that will be developed in three modules divided into: contemporary dance technique class, choreographic interpretation class, and creativity and composition class.

The week-long workshop closes with a final exhibition open to the public of the choreographic work created by the students, titled Human landscapes.



Objectives of the contemporary dance class

– Development of motor and physical abilities.

– Knowledge of the body and its ability to control.

– Learning basic elements of body positioning.


Objectives of the choreographic performance class

– Development as a performer: the execution of a choreographic score will be studied based on learning choreographic material.

– How to dance in a group, being performers of a cast.

– Development of a choreographic score on stage, with the intervention of elements such as space, light, gaze, objects and the quality of movement and emotion.


Objectives of the choreographic composition class

Starting from the premises: what I want to tell, for what, where and to whom, the objective of the composition is that the work has a meaning and development that allows its understanding.

– Learning how to create a small choreographic score starting from improvisation until reaching composition, working from dramaturgy.

– Create a small piece that has a dramatic and understandable meaning for the audience, even if it is from an emotional aspect.

– Learning the basic elements: space-time, rhythm and dramaturgy.

– The light on the scene, and different spatial planes of the stage.


Practical information

Aimed at: professional or semi-professional dancers.

Dates: October 16 to 20.

Workshop hours: Monday, October 16 to Thursday, October 19 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Public display Human landscapes: Saturday, October 21 at 5 p.m.

Location: Theater of the Cervantes Institute of Casablanca

Participants: 15 people.

Registration: places limited to 15. Mandatory attendance at all sessions. Send email with CV to

Registration deadline is October 13.
