Second edition of Alicia Soto's Hojarasca project for non-urban areas of Castilla y León

_ The Castilian-Leonese company Alicia Soto-Hojarasca, under the artistic direction of Alicia Soto, is the promoter of the project “A step forward”. A program of activities that revolve around the language of contemporary and urban dance, the arts of movement and technology, and that will visit different locations in Valladolid.

_ This year, under the name of One step forward 2: Earth, Roots and Harvest, different activities will be held again in several locations in Valladolid from September 1 to 26.

_ The choreographer and dancer Alicia Soto has spent almost 30 years developing synergies between non-urban areas and the artistic world, promoting access to culture far from the cities and thereby generating the creation of jobs and an economic boost in said areas.

Following the positive reception of the first edition in June 2023, this year the project will take place from 1 to 26 September in the Valladolid towns of Serrada, Nava del Ray and La Seca. A series of activities will be carried out there around the concepts of nature, territory and traditions using the language of contemporary dance, movement arts, dance theatre, urban dance and technology.


_ Artistic creation residency in Serrada.

From September 1st to 26th. An incubator of ideas to build Choreographic Clusters.

_ Reflection laboratories with the public.

September 12 and 13. Sports center. Serrada. 18:30h.

September 19th. Serrada Theatre. 6:30 p.m.

_ Show: Dance Tasting (after the performance there will be a meeting with the public).

September 14th. On the Track. La Seca. 7:30 p.m.

September 20th. Sports Centre Square. Serrated. 7:30 p.m.

September 21st. House of Culture. Nava del Rey. 8pm.

_ Danzarte: Workshops for children in Serrada.

The project is being developed by the Alicia Soto Hojarasca company and has the collaboration of the town councils of Serrada, Nava del Rey and La Seca.


It is a project of cultural activities and actions based on the language of dance, an art with a universal language that erases the boundaries of communication and connects with emotional intelligence. Since there are no words, there are no barriers, which allows the public to imagine and feel. In addition, its practice allows us to approach and express different aspects of life and, in recent decades, its therapeutic nature has been demonstrated, helping personal growth and keeping communities together.

It is an initiative conceived by the creator, director and choreographer Alicia Soto and developed through her company.

This project is designed to ensure continuity, consolidate cultural activity, create collaborative synergies with towns with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and, most importantly, have a real impact on the town's inhabitants.

In its first edition, more than 30 activities were carried out in 12 locations in Valladolid.


Alicia Soto-Hojarasca is a professional contemporary dance and creation company with a long history, created in 1994, under the artistic and choreographic direction of Alicia Soto.

More than 30 shows have been staged, large, medium and small format, video creations and video dance.

