'Human Landscapes' nominated for the 2025 Max Awards

Premiered last September 2024, the show has been selected as a candidate in the categories of Best Choreography and Best Dance Show in the XXVIII edition of the 2025 Max Awards for the Performing Arts in Pamplona, which will be held on June 16.

This year, a total of 486 shows were entered into the Max Awards, of which 179 shows were selected after the meetings of the five juries from Catalonia, Madrid and the Communities. After their selection in these categories, Human Landscapes confirms the success it has had among the public and critics since its premiere.

The show, directed by Alicia Soto and serving to commemorate the 30th anniversary of her company, offers the public a series of unconnected human scenes to perform an exercise of contemplation that focuses on the here and now.

Starlings, Soledando, Transhumando, Amando, Misericordiando and Renovando are the human scenes that transform and move on stage in relation to the movement of nature. Unconnected human scenes that show shadow, emptiness, identity, forgiveness, contemplation, love… and, finally, renewal.

After this exercise: What happens to the audience? Where are they going emotionally and psychologically? What is their state of mind?

