Human Landscapes

El espectáculo propone al público una serie de cuadros humanos inconexos para realizar un ejercicio de contemplación que se centra en el aquí y el ahora.



Beyond consciousness, simply feel existence; dive into the unconscious; abandon body and soul to stillness and movement; see the silence; listen to the emptiness.

Knowing that the breath that animates us is the wind that brushes against the trees and the mountains; that the rivers of water turn into blood in our caves; that we run like fleeing animals or like anxious predators; that we know how to fly when we believe.

Glimpse the invisible loneliness; the shadow of forgiveness; the prophecy of creation.

Rescuing intimacy from nauseating noise; celebrating liberation from self.


This is a show without an instruction book; without any great educator's narrative; without wanting to correspond to any ideological agenda.

It is a show from the heart; a tribe of artists from diverse fields who take on the freedom to dance, feel, think and create together; sharing their desires, inquiries, dreams and life experiences.


By Julio Martin Da Fonseca.

artistic sheet

Artistic File

Stage direction and choreography: Alicia Soto

Dramaturgy: Julio Martin da Fonseca, Dina Figueiredo and Alicia Soto

Assistant director and choreographer: Encarni Sánchez

Musical creation: Abdellah M.Hassak

Lighting design: Miguel Angel Camacho

Stage design and costumes: Elisa Sanz

Dancers-performers: Lorenza di Calogero, Selam Zapater, Sara Canet,

Encarni Sánchez, Deivid Barrera y Oriol Roca.

Contributor: Paloma Calderon.

Tour technician: Alvaro Guisado

Video: Mundimag

Photography: Luis A. Barajas

Communication: Lemon Press

Social media: PreciseFuture

Production: Carmen Fernandez – The Company of Light

Duration: 60 minutes.


What does it propose?

Un itinerario interior gracias a un ejercicio de contemplación, dejando de lado lo racional o la necesidad de comprender. El acto de observar de forma atenta y detenida una realidad centrándose en el aquí y en el ahora, iniciando un viaje emocional que te permita conectar contigo mismo, con tu yo. Estorninos, Soledando, Transhumando, Amando, Misericordiando y Renovando son los cuadros humanos que sobre el escenario se transforman y mueven en relación con el movimiento de la naturaleza. Cuadros humanos que muestran la sombra, el vacío, la identidad, el perdón, el recogimiento, el amor… y, por último, la renovación.

After this exercise: What happens to the audience? Where are they going emotionally and psychologically? What is their state of mind?

Show Materials

Program handout

Videos of the Show

Teaser vertical

Teaser Equipo artístico


upcoming features


Human landscapes - 7:30 pm

Burgos Main Theater


Human landscapes - 8:30 pm

León City Auditorium.
