Breakdance workshop in pictures

Dance workshop in Serrada (Valladolid)

Workshop Tell your body in Viana de Cega (Valladolid)

Workshop Tell your body in Serrada (Valladolid)

Workshop Count your body in Nava del Rey (Valladolid)

Workshop Tell your body in La Seca (Valladolid)

Production of the show 'La Peur de la couleur' in Senegal

From July 4 to 18, the second part of the production that began last April of La Peur de la couleur (The Fear of Color) will take place, a production by the Alicia Soto Hojarasca and Djarama Company (Senegal). The relationship between the Djarama association and company, directed by Mamby Mawine, and […]
GOONGUE. Training in contemporary dance in Senegal. Funded by AECID About Program.

The Alicia Soto-Hojarasca Company, led by Alicia Soto, in collaboration with Djarama presents GOONGUE: an artistic training in contemporary dance aimed at dancers, actors, acrobats. This training will be held at Djarama Dialaw from 5 to 7 and 10 to 14 July. The objective of this training is to make the most of […]