DANZARTE in Serrada (Valladolid)
Serrada dance tasting (Valladolid)
La Seca dance tasting (Valladolid)
Artistic Residence in Serrada (Valladolid)
Workshop Count your body in Rueda (Valladolid)
Delivery of GOONGUE diplomas in Senegal. Funded by AECID About Program.
The Alicia Soto-Hojarasca Company, led by Alicia Soto, in collaboration with Djarama has given, from July 5 to 7 and from July 10 to 14, GOONGUE: an artistic training in contemporary dance aimed at dancers, actors, acrobats. This training will take place at Djarama Dialaw. On July 13, it was made […]