Delivery of GOONGUE diplomas in Senegal. Funded by AECID About Program.

The Alicia Soto-Hojarasca Company, led by Alicia Soto, in collaboration with Djarama has given, from July 5 to 7 and from July 10 to 14, GOONGUE: an artistic training in contemporary dance aimed at dancers, actors, acrobats. This training will take place at Djarama Dialaw. On July 13, it was made […]

Production of the show 'La Peur de la couleur' in Senegal

From July 4 to 18, the second part of the production that began last April of La Peur de la couleur (The Fear of Color) will take place, a production by the Alicia Soto Hojarasca and Djarama Company (Senegal). The relationship between the Djarama association and company, directed by Mamby Mawine, and […]
