Regards (looks)

A dialogue of languages between Break Dance and contemporary Dance.

Aimed at all audiences and especially young people.

Direction and choreography Alicia Soto.



Regards It is an opportunity to look with the body and the heart.

Look until you understand, look better, take care of life with your eyes.

Dancing on contemporary skin, a Break attitude emerges that, despite penetrating and transgressing, allows itself to be captivated by other paths of the wind of all time.

Four moments, four human landscapes, four liberating labyrinths.
Between the urban and destiny, the desert and free will, loneliness and lights, tenderness and darkness, silence and flight, voices and the ground, two beings reveal themselves.
Whoever looks at them may look at themselves too...

Julio Martin da Fonseca

artistic sheet

Artistic direction and choreography: Alicia Soto
Bailarines-intérpretes: Renata Edison, Lucas García y Alicia Soto
Musical Creation: Luis la Forga and Abdellah M.Hassak
Lighting Design: Miguel Angel Camacho
Technician on tour: Carol Martín
Wardrobe: Alicia Soto-Hojarasca
Photography and video: Luis Antonio Barajas and Pedro Soares
Creative design: José Navarro
Administration: Sofía García Fernández and Virginia Grigelmo
Management: João Sousa Marques

A production by Alicia Soto-Hojarasca


Regards (Looks) It is a show to encourage the gaze that moves between the playful, the poetic and the contemporary. Creating a new dramaturgy of images, of great beauty and poetry, which is divided into four acts or scenes, using contemporary dance and Break dance as artistic language, not only in an encounter but in a dialogue.

A choreographic and dramaturgical journey in which the presence of Morocco and a multicultural influence can be glimpsed, with ethnic sounds, and spiritual and electronic songs that create urban and natural landscapes.

The conception of the show starts from the duet, Study 3: Looks. The choreographer, driven to continue investigating the concept of the gaze, was inspired to create a broader program that revolved around our desires and the relationship with others from our own or someone else's perspective.

Duration 60 minutes.

Particular Creation Process between artistic residences and representations:
Created in different artistic residences, between Spain and Morocco, with the collaboration of the Cervantes Institute of Casablanca, the Patio Corsario, Valladolid, La Nave del Duende, Casar de Cáceres and the Principal Theater of Burgos.

This show culminates after a year of work and artistic relationship between Alicia Soto and Julián Gómez Pabón.

Each city has been a place of common work and search, which culminated in a presentation with the public, to share, listen and continue to encourage the look.

During 2018, it was presented in different Spanish cities, always in the process of creation.

It premieres internationally in September 2018 at the Stage Dance Festival Shanghai. China. With a great reception.

National premiere at the Teatro Principal de Burgos, April 26, 2019.


Press reviews

By: Luis Mª García Grande

The human disposition to stop and observe is often diluted between the rush and our routine. Alicia Soto proposes that we stop to look, to observe, rather, through contemporary dance and Breakdance. This proposal is a necessity for our soul, it should be almost a medical prescription from time to time. Alicia has managed to create the right environment to impact the public and stop it in the place that she wants. Once concentrated, helped by Julián Gómez Pabón, she manifests herself through her conception and aesthetic sense of her dance and drama. Regards (Miradas) has something that makes you think, something that excites and something that makes us observe ourselves through dance.


upcoming features

So far there are no new sessions planned
